Jumlah pelongok sejak 25 April 2011

Minggu, 08 Mei 2011

Work Demands and Family Responsibilities:

An Exploration of Problems and Solutions

by Mie Kennedy

Currently about 44% of the workforce is women and by the year 2005, it is estimated that the percentage will rise to 47% to 48%. The 1950s image of the traditional family where there was one breadwinner, usually the man, and the wife being the homemaker serving as the nurturing mother for the family is an image of the past. A majority of families are dual-career and working women are the norm.

There are several major reasons for this change. One is that women want to have a fulfilling career that brings meaning to their lives outside of the family and homemaking roles. Available options for women are increasing and many women look for fulfillment through their work. Another main reason for change is economical. To achieve a certain lifestyle that used to afforded by one income now demands two. In many cases, just surviving demands the employment of women (click here for graph) (Working Woman, December 1995, 16). Our expectations of what is necessary in life has risen to ever more expensive heights due to new technologies and household goods. Our conception of leisure plays into this as well.

However, despite the change in women's working trends, our acceptance of an "average" work schedule has not significantly changed. We assume that 8 hours a day, 5 days a week is the normal requirement for any serious work. Yet, this schedule was established over the years by men in management who had the support of their wives working full-time at home. In addition, commitments required for careers disregard the unpredictable needs of children or women's unique needs. Problems such as child care, sleep deprivation, dissatisfaction with family life (as in not enough time to spend with partner or with children), and stress are increasingly being talked about. Thus, with more women working out of the home, how we organize work and family time is being seriously challenged. Possible changes and solutions are beginning to be explored by both employers and employees of large and small businesses. *****

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