Jumlah pelongok sejak 25 April 2011

Kamis, 12 Mei 2011

An introduction to the sociology of work and occupations

Rudi Volti.
Published 2008 by Pine Forge Press in Los Angeles .
Written in English.

Table of Contents:

Work before industrialization
The oldest and longest-lasting mode of life and work
Gathering and hunting societies in the modern world
The working lives of gather-hunters
The agricultural revolution
Farm labor and cultural change
Artisan work
Time and work
Protestantism and the rise of capitalism
Industrialization and its consequences
The industrial revolution
Capitalism and market economies
Wages and working conditions in the industrial revolution
Women in the industrial revolution
Industrialization and social protest
Making management "scientific"
The assembly line
A post-industrial revolution?
Technology, globalization, and work
Technology, work, and occupations
Work and contemporary technologies
Technology and globalization
Globalization, trade, and employment
The organization of work in preindustrial times
Traditional societies and the organization of work
The family as a basis of work organization
Caste and occupation
The guilds
An assessment of guild organization
Bureaucratic organization
The rise of bureaucratic organization
The elements of bureaucratic organization
Where bureaucracy works and where it doesn't
Bureaucratic organization, work, and the worker
Alternatives to bureaucracy
Professions and professionalization
The checklist approach to the professions
The professional continuum
Attaining professional status
Professionalization as a means of control
Professionals in organizations
Today's challenges to the professions
Resource control and professional
Autonomy: the case of medicine
Diversity and professional status
Getting a job
The economics of the job market
Minimum wage laws
Jobs, human capital, and credentials
Networks and their significance
Diversity in the workplace
Race, ethnicity, and hiring practices
Women in the workforce
Discrimination, occupational segregation, and pay
Getting ahead.
Who gets what?
The determination of wages and salaries: market economics once again
The widening income gap
Why has income inequality increased?
Unionization and its decline
Computers and income inequality
Globalization, employment, and income
Immigration and income
Occupational prestige
Life on the job: work and its rewards
Employment and unemployment
The personal consequences of unemployment
Varieties of employment
Work without pay
Job training and employment opportunities
Work and social interaction
Social relationships and job performance
The intrinsic satisfactions of work
Life on the job ii: the perils and pressures of work
Work may be hazardous to your health
Stress at work
Jobs, secure and insecure
Temporary workers
Alienated labor
Managerial efforts to reduce on-the-job alienation
Job satisfaction and dissatisfaction today
Workplace culture and socialization
The significance of workplace cultures
Socialization into a culture
Socialization as an ongoing processes
Socialization and identity
Occupational and organizational heroes
Rites of passage
Organizations and subcultures
Supportive workplace subcultures
Deviant subcultures
Socialization, careers, and strain
Work roles and life roles
The separation of work and residence
Hours of work
Women at work
Couples, families, and careers
Reconciling work and roles and life roles
Conclusion: work today and tomorrow
Technology, work, and occupations
Making globalization and technological change more equitable
Work and demographic change
Women, work, and families
Closing the income gap
The health care morass
The fate of the professions
Organizations for the 21st century
Jobs for the future


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