Jumlah pelongok sejak 25 April 2011

Minggu, 08 Mei 2011

Work and Working Class

The Meaning of Work

It’s what you spend your days, or nights, doing. It helps define who you are. Week after week, year after year, you get up and go to work. Sure you get paid. But it’s probably not your only motivation. What, at the end of your shift or your workday, gives you a sense of accomplishment, inspiration or joy?

Working Class

This term has been found more frequently in Britain and while having an imprecise meaning, generally includes skilled and unskilled manual workers (perhaps synonymous with blue-collar workers) and sometimes lower levels of white-collar workers. Is similar in meaning to lower class unless it is used in a more Marxian sense to refer to those who work for a living ie: the proletariat.


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